Self-confrontation at the Workplace: Always Doing What’s Right

Have you ever imagined a world where nobody had a set of values? It would be total chaos, if everyone gives up morals and ethics in life. Yet, many people fail to live up to their own expectations at workplace, just because they are not able to come out of their comfort zones. For instance, gossip isn’t illegal, but from the ethics point of view, it is someone’s disrespect. And that someone doesn’t have to be from your office or school, anyone’s backbiting shows that you’re a man of negative character. Did you know that there are only four ways in which we have contact with the world, and we are judged, evaluated and eventually classified based on these four contacts that we have with the world – What we do, how we look, what we say, and how we say it.


This golden rule applies in all circumstances of our lives, including the workplace. We are living in a community where procrastination has become a ritual, and if anything goes wrong in any task then people aren’t event ready to take responsibility for their actions. Employees must understand that in order to set an example for others, they first need to look within and maintain their integrity. Even when no one is watching you, still there is a pair of eyes watching you, and that’s you yourself. So instead of spending the first 15 minutes of the shift gossiping about random stuff, employees need to respect their colleagues and their value system. There’s nothing wrong in eating at your work station, except the fact that working and eating together shows that you are not very organized.


Communication is something we can’t live without, whether it’s verbal, non-verbal or written. But it’s also important that we follow the hierarchy while communicating the message. It is good to be transparent & open, but it is also important to continually improve in your strengths, so that you could become a master of your skills and reap the benefits of it. In fact, sometimes even without saying something we are communicating a lot of information about ourselves – that is by the way we dress. A decent and respectful dress code at the workplace not only keeps you comfortable, but also ensures that none of the fingers are pointed at your personality. Working in a team can get monotonous, but conflict resolution has to be avoided no matter what, if the employees wish to see their company grow. Always strive for excellence! Earn the trust of other through your ‘karma, and then live up to their expectations always.


It’s all about relationships. We need to foster relationships that last over a lifetime, no matter what happens. And in order to do that, we need to improvise on our interpersonal conversations with others. And just being right always is not enough, if you see something wrong, then reporting that and taking action is also a part of the Ethics’ Bible. Life is all about doing the right thing, because it’s the right thing to do. An organization’s reputation can easily be damaged if it doesn’t embed its core values inside an ethics programme for their staff. Being an MBA in HR myself, I personally feel that the role of an HR is that of a mother in any organization. Hence, it is the duty and responsibility of the HR Department to adopt and implement a strong principle-based approach. If the employees don’t adopt a principles-based approach to decision-making, then the organization is not well-equipped to face the ethical dilemmas.


So if you want to be happy & satisfied in life, and if you wish to create a positive ambience in your life and at your workplace, then you need to stop behaving the same way  at office as you behave at your home. Understand that Ethics are not there to downgrade you or keep you in check, they are there just to make you more aware of your duties and responsibilities in the organization. Most essentially, help you as an employee in the longer run by making your value system stronger, so that you can develop  your own feeling of attachment and loyalty towards your company. Don’t think that ethics are there to bound you in some way, they are simply there to make you an indispensable employee, one that is disciplined and consistent!



Tags: Motivational Speakers in Punjab, Personality Development Trainers in Punjab, Soft Skills Trainers in Punjab, English Language Trainers in Punjab, Communication Skills Trainers in Punjab, Voice and Accent Trainers in Punjab.

Soft skills: It is never too late to sow their seeds

As parents, we often feel the need to examine our child’s learning, and there are various ways to measure the child’s performance on a particular subject. But have you ever imagined that there is an entire set of skills that cannot be measured or tested? Some of the examples are Soft skills, socio-emotional skills and personality-based skills.  Our technical skills may help us in finding a job, but it is our soft skills that influence all our major future outcomes.

The point about soft skills is that they function very differently than other types of skills, and we can’t just can’t play by the book at all times. The problem is not that we don’t know to how to apply these skills in our lives, the problem is that we don’t do what we already know about. The truth is, and that’s the bitter truth – you’re never going to feel like applying them. It’s something that your heart isn’t going to like much, but as they say, that greatness is in ‘doing things that you hate’. There is a 5-second window when you feel your inner instinct, your true calling, your purpose, and if you don’t act in those 5 seconds, then your brain is actually designed to kill it. Five seconds is all it takes!

Laziness, Procrastination, Jealousy, Anger, Negativity are all enemies of Soft Skills. In order to achieve a High Degree of Success in Soft Skills, you have to suffer. To achieve greatness, you have to sacrifice, and you have to suffer. I’ve never met a single person who was successful, but didn’t work hard to achieve his success, not one person. Same goes for soft skills, they are the hardest to learn, but they really are game-changers. Even if you apply 10% of these skills in life, it’s going to make a huge difference of the quality of your life. Consistency is the key – you have to be persistent.

Armed Forces are a great source of inspiration for people who wish to learn soft skills. Because it is not just about discipline, it is a lifestyle that you need to live with, you have to go against your mind. Don’t do something when you feel like doing it, instead do something in order to feel like doing it. Success is 20% Technical skills, and 80% Soft Skills. So no matter where you go, what you do, or where you’re from, these are skills that will help you progress in all spheres of life. Time Management, for instance, is something everyone seems to be knowing, but applying it is far from reality for many a person. You have to live life ‘One Day At A Time’. Every second is a passing opportunity, you just have to go for it and jump. I can guarantee you that when you first jump, the parachute is not going to open, but believe me – eventually it does open.

Money Management seems to be quite a daunting task for many, yet schools don’t teach these ever-important skills. Show me a child who knows how to save money, and I’ll show you an adult who doesn’t know how to write a check, or deposit cash in a bank. Kids these days have unlimited access to technology, and as a result to information. Due to this excess of incoming feelings and thoughts, kids must develop a routine that empowers their body, mind & soul consistently. You don’t fail when you go for something, you fail when you don’t go for something, and hold yourself back. In order to fully apply soft skills, kids must be the best version of themselves, because success is not measured by the good days, success is measured by the dark days, when you don’t feel like going for it. Success is measured by the degree of your discipline and consistency!

Take a look at Abraham Maslow’s need hierarchy, and you’ll realize that there is no reason why shouldn’t we teach our kids to achieve greater success in life, than just tangible study results. Greatness lies in achieving Self-awareness & Self-actualization.

Image result for maslow's need hierarchy

The point that I’m trying to make is, that soft skills are a Bible to achieving greater success in life. But in order to do that, you need to have a personal definition of success – what success means to you. And when you do achieve success, what are you going to do with it, who’re the people you’d like to share your success with. And once you recognize your true calling, start. And when you start, you start now! Have goals, daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals, yearly goals, and then keep going for it. Remember, if you don’t have a dream, that you’re eventually going to work for someone who does have a dream. People who don’t dream work for people who do, so it’s not bad to dream. What’s not good is when you don’t take responsibility of your own self and you let it happen to you. So kick the hell out of your routine & run, and then keep running.

Finally, if you want to make the most out of your life, and enjoy the fruits of it to the fullest, you must engage yourself in a never-ending quest for excellence. All the skills will automatically fall in place when you achieve a sense of realization, of responsibility towards self and towards others. There should be no such thing as impossible in your dictionary. Sow the seeds, water them consistently, and they will certainly bring a new life into your overall quality of life. So good luck, to all my readers, hope you keep making it happen!

“Big Things Have Small Beginnings”

Thoughts By

Gaurav Kalra, Life Skills Coach



Tags: Motivational Speakers in Punjab, Personality Development Trainers in Punjab, Soft Skills Trainers in Punjab, English Language Trainers in Punjab, Communication Skills Trainers in Punjab, Voice and Accent Trainers in Punjab.

Call for Action: India Needs Responsible Citizens

“Jai Javaan, Jai Kisaan, Jai Sanvidhaan!”

India is fast-evolving into a super power, and it is we, the people of this worthy democracy, who must take on the role of game-changers. Our fearless soldiers are protecting us, robust farmers are feeding us, and a dynamic government is leading us towards a transparent system. It is we, the people now, who must fulfil our rights and duties as responsible citizens. We must seek and assume responsibility of doing the right thing, and of not letting a wrongdoer get away without feeling the heat of our collective courage. Always remember, ‘I CAN’T, WE CAN!’

So here’s a list of things that every Indian must do to make the nation and its economy grow by leaps and bounds. If you do it just once to feel good about yourself, it won’t help, but if you do it every single day of your life, the world will see India evolve into the largest economy soon:

  1. Don’t buy gold: 27% of our imports consist of Gold. People buy gold and keep them in the lockers for life. We must keep our money in circulation, because one rupee spent by you today is creating a value of 10 rupees for someone else.
  2. Pay taxes: Not because it’s a legal obligation, but because it’s an investment by you for your future generations.
  3. Always ask for bills: Let us make sure that everybody follows the 2nd point. Every time you pay Sales Tax and VAT, check if the TIN Number and Sales Tax number is present on the bill. Not having it means it is not a valid tax invoice. You should complain about it to the VAT department of your state immediately.
  4. Always discourage corrupt practices: Corruption has been the root cause of our delayed growth in the last 60 years, because it leads to bureaucratic delay and inefficiency. If every citizen decides to blow the whistle, then our country will make over US$50 billion every year – no kidding!
  5. Prefer to buy locally manufactured goods as much as possible: You don’t have to be a typical Swadeshi at all times, but whenever possible, prefer local goods to the imported ones, because fact of the matter is, that any conversion of rupee to other currencies depreciates the value of INR.
  6. Use less electricity/Install solar panels: Let’s accept the fact, we don’t have plenty of electricity to waste, and less usage by you makes more electricity available for farmers and industries, who are indeed the growth drivers of our economy.
  7. Walk or cycle whenever you can: 66% of our imports are for Oil. We can’t produce more oil, what we can do instead is use less of it. Less import will certainly reduce the Current Account Deficit (CAD) which will directly have a positive impact on India’s credit ratings. FYI, Better credits ratings are essential to attract foreign investment.
  8. Each one, Teach one: This is not just a slogan. By 2021, 64% of our population will be in the age group of 15-59 years, which is the typical working age. These people will only be able to contribute to the society and to the economy, if they are educated.
  9. Empower the women: Let us not satisfy our egos, let us empower the Indian women to unlock the full potential of India. So don’t let any religion or any society oppress our women!
  10. Last but not the least, think before you breed: Population explosion is actually a curse and is damaging the economy. If you just can’t do without a large family, adopt children instead!

By adopting these practices, you will certainly benefit your nation to a large extent, and play a key role in the change that India is witnessing.



Tags: Motivational Speakers in Punjab, Personality Development Trainers in Punjab, Soft Skills Trainers in Punjab, English Language Trainers in Punjab, Communication Skills Trainers in Punjab, Voice and Accent Trainers in Punjab.